Most In Depth Inspection At Any Price!



We only have one inspection, The Right One! Our inspections are all full inspections; we do not leave anything out. We show you and teach you things other home inspectors would not dare!

We strive to give our clients more than they are paying for, and we will exceed your expectations! Before you hire any inspector, let us tell you how we will Exceed the National Standards of Practice. We will inspect your new home as though we are going to live in it ourselves.

We have hundreds of satisfied clients, with references and photos available. When you hire us, you hire our whole team to walk you through your new home inch by inch. We will also be there for you long after the inspection is over, as your life long home consultant. We perform Home Inspections in all of Rockland County including Suffern, New City, Nyack, Nanuet, Spring Valley.
In all of Westchester County including Yonkers, Elmsford, Scarsdale, White Plains, Tarrytown, Armonk, Mount Kisco, Chappaqua, Katonah and all surrounding areas.

We offer a variety of options to choose from such as radon testing, water testing, mold testing, septic inspections, wood destroying insect inspections, and much more. Our inspections leave no stone unturned, and you can feel confident knowing you had the most in depth inspection at any price.

There are many questions you should be asking a home inspector before you hire them, such as can I attend? What will they inspect? How long have they been in business? How many inspections have they performed? What are their qualifications, and are they licensed and certified? Is their experience in home inspections, or related feilds such as contracting or HVAC? Home inspections is a specific field and contractors don't always make good inspectors. If you don't feel comfortable asking these questions before you hire someone, how will you be comfortable asking questions during your inspection?

The last question you should ask is price. The cheapest price is usually the cheapest inspection with the least qualified inspector. Be careful! Buying a house is a huge investment. Don't skimp on your inspection, it could prove to be a costly mistake!

Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.


 A-Tech Inspection Services

(914) 610-8224

We Answer Our Phones 24
Hours A Day!

Inspections Performed 7 Days A Week!